
Our e-ticket service will have a lot of online support right away-

Bank Deposit: After depositing money in the bank, you have to upload a soft copy of the deposit slip in the e-ticket of your BO account.
Withdrawal of money: Your withdraw-able amount (mature balance) of money will reach your bank account through your e-ticket.
In case of applying for IPO, you can also apply for yourself and your family through e-ticket.
To know or change information of your BO account, you can apply through e-ticket.
To know or change information of your BO account, you can apply through e-ticket.
You can also contact us via e-ticket from any part of the country to know the cash balance, to place online trading orders, or to make any complaint or to get any kind of service.

1. Login

User can easily login using their trading ID & 4 digit OTP number sharing on the mobile.

2. Open ticket dashboard

Our support system allows you to view your ticket dashboard and operate it easily with ease.

3. Create new ticket

The user can easily create a ticket by choosing a category, a purpose, and the priority of their problem.

4. Fill-up all required info

A simple, navigable filter input option that allows you to narrow down your situation to get a quick solution.

5. Submit & ticket created succesfully

With the easy creation of a ticket, our Mika team will always reply to your problem at your earliest convenience.

Check out our one-stop support solution at your doorstep to learn how our ticketing system works

Need any help? Call Us: +8801730062188

Getting started is easy.

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